What Does It Mean To Be Spiritual


What Is Spirituality?

What does it mean to be spiritual? Most people see the word “spirituality” and think of religion, but spirituality is so much more than that. Spirituality is the connection between ourselves and the universe, or whatever higher power we believe in. It can be a way to find peace and connect with something larger than ourselves. For some, spirituality is a lifelong journey, while others may find what they need within themselves without needing to look any further. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, it’s important to explore what spirituality means to you and how it makes you feel. We are all looking for answers and spirituality seems to be one of the greatest ways to find the answers to life that many of seek. 

It seems we are all searching for meaning and spiritual practice could be the best way to find that. 


What does spiritual mean to you? Dictionary definitions for the term can be vague and unhelpful. To some, spirituality may simply refer to their religious faith or beliefs. Others may interpret spirituality as a way of living that is in harmony with nature and all life. For many people, spirituality encompasses both of these aspects and much more.

Its meaning is personal, unique, and constantly evolving. Defining it is an ongoing journey, not a destination. What matters most is how we each individually experience it in our lives. So what does spiritual mean to you?

What Are The Benefits Of Spirituality?


A lot of people think that being spiritual has to do with going to church or temple every Sunday. But, spirituality is so much more than that. It’s about having a connection to something bigger than yourself and developing a set of values and beliefs that guide you through life. Spirituality can also help you to be more mindful and present in the moment, which can lead to increased productivity. When you are more aware of your surroundings and the actions you are taking, you are less likely to make mistakes or overlook important details. In addition, spirituality can help reduce stress and anxiety by providing a sense of calm and peace.Spirituality is not just for religious people; it is something that anyone can benefit from. So, if you are looking for ways to improve your productivity or reduce stress, consider incorporating some spirituality into your life.


The spiritual realm is one that is often neglected in our fast-paced, materialistic world. However, cultivating a spiritual practice can bring a sense of peace and perspective that can be deeply transformative. There are many ways to connect with the spiritual realm, and the best way is often the one that resonates most deeply with you. Some people find solace in traditional practices like prayer or meditation, while others prefer to connect with nature or spend time in silence. The most important thing is to be open to the possibilities and to find what works best for you. By making time for a spiritual practice, you can create a space for stillness and introspection that can help you to feel more grounded and connected.

A sage in this space is one of my very own Guru-Ji’s and teachers Thich Nhat Hanh. I’ve learned immensely about the power of love and compassion and cultivating a deep spiritual practice.

What does it mean to be spiritual?

In my opinion, spirituality is a very personal thing. It’s something that’s different for everyone, and there’s no right or wrong way to be spiritual. For me, spirituality is all about connecting with the divine, whatever that may mean for me. It’s about tapping into something greater than myself and using that connection to guide me through life. spirituality is also about developing a personal relationship with God, or whatever Higher Power you believe in. For me, this is an incredibly important part of my spiritual practice. I often pray and meditate, and I find that these activities help me to feel closer to God. Additionally, I try to live my life in accordance with spiritual principles. This includes things like being kind and compassionate, living with integrity, and trying to see the good in all people. In short, spirituality is very important to me and it shapes how I live my life each day.


For me, spirituality is all about connection. It’s about feeling connected to something larger than myself, whether that be a higher power, the universe, or simply the flow of life itself. It’s about recognizing that we are all interconnected and that everything we do has an impact on the world around us. For me, spirituality is also about personal growth and self-awareness. It’s about becoming more conscious of who we are and why we’re here. It’s about exploring our beliefs and discovering what brings us meaning and purpose in life. Ultimately, spirituality is whatever makes you feel most alive and connected to the world around you.

In my opinion, spirituality is a very personal thing. It’s something that’s different for everyone, and there’s no right or wrong way to be spiritual. For me, spirituality is all about connecting with the divine, whatever that may mean for me. It’s about tapping into something greater than myself and using that connection to guide me through life. spirituality is also about developing a personal relationship with God, or whatever Higher Power you believe in. For me, this is an incredibly important part of my spiritual practice. I often pray and meditate, and I find that these activities help me to feel closer to God. Additionally, I try to live my life in accordance with spiritual principles. This includes things like being kind and compassionate, living with integrity, and trying to see the good in all people. In short, spirituality is very important to me and it shapes how I live my life each day.

Becoming a Reiki Master as intensified my relationship to God and Spirit enormously and so profoundly. Here are 3 Things I’ve Learned About Life As A Reiki Master.

spiritual person
How Does One Become Spiritual?

In my own experience I’ve found that spirituality has taught me about spirit. I’ve learned about Divine spirit and my own spirit and soul. I’ve found through my seeking and dedicated focus I’ve been able to lean into hope. I have hope that there is a spirit body that walks with me and for me personally religion does not have anything to do with this. This is about a deep intimate connection to divinity and a higher consciousness. While I believe in God I do not believe in the dogmatic form of God. I do not concur with religion in that way. Although I would say I’m spiritual more than religious, I am however religious in some sense. Although my religion seems to be more of a personal relationship with God. I do not apply rigidity to this awareness. I have friends of many different faiths and have been exposed to many different faiths myself. 

I can pray in a temple, a church, a synagogue, a mosuleum or in nature or sitting at the banks of a river. I can just as easily pray in my own space at home. I feel spirit is omnipotent and with me wherever I go and my praying cannot be limited to a teaching, a religion or an institution. It must commence anywhere and everywhere because my spirituality or God does not forsake me. God walks with me in all I do and in every step I take, everywhere I go without judgement. It’s pure love and pure acceptance. 

Jack Kornfield’s Heart Wisdom Podcast seems to give us much to contemplate about the heart, god and love for life and spirit.

Closing thoughts on what is means to be spiritual 

Spirituality can mean different things to different people. For some, spirituality may be closely tied to religion, while for others it may be more about a personal connection to the natural world. Regardless of how you define spirituality, there are many ways to connect with it on a deeper level. One way to begin is by spending time in nature. This can help you to feel connected to something larger than yourself and can be a great way to reduce stress. You can also explore your spirituality through meditation or prayer. This can help you to quiet your mind and connect with your inner thoughts and feelings. There are many other ways to connect with spirituality, so find what works best for you and explore it further.