The Very Best Time Management Strategies Ever

There are ordinary time hacks and then there are hacks that take your productivity and days to the next level and that’s what we’re breaking down here – the very best hacks and time management strategies ever.

Let’s consider some Unconventional Strategies for taming your day.

Time Management Strategies

Let’s be real for a second – we’ve all been there. You start the day with the best intentions, a to-do list a mile long, and enough coffee to fuel a small army. But before you know it, it’s 4 PM, and you’re wondering where the heck the day has gone. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry. You’re not alone in the very real struggle to wrangle time into submission. Time is the most elusive thing and has a way of getting away from us.

The internet is chock-full of time management advice, but let’s face it – a lot of it is pretty stale and useless. “Make a to-do list!” “Use the Pomodoro technique!” Yeah, yeah, we’ve heard it all before. But what if I told you there are some seriously out-of-the-box time management strategies that could revolutionize the way you manage your time?

Here Are 10 Out Of The Box Time Management Strategies That You Have To Try

Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into some game-changing time hacks that you probably haven’t tried yet.

  1. The “Future You” Time Capsule

Here’s a mind-bender for you: start treating time like a gift to your future self. At the beginning of each week, write a letter to “Future You” at the end of the week. What do you want to have accomplished? How do you want to feel? Then, make decisions throughout the week as if you’re trying to make that future a reality. It’s like creating a time capsule, but instead of buried treasure, you’re crafting the week you want to have and then elevated you, you hope to become.

  1. The “Seinfeld Strategy”

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld famously used a simple calendar method to motivate himself to write jokes every day. He’d mark an X on the calendar for each day he wrote, creating a chain he didn’t want to break. Apply this to your most important tasks. Want to exercise more? Read daily? Work on that side hustle? Start your chain and don’t break it. It’s surprisingly addictive. Once you start and get a little momentum going it’ll be hard to stop.

  1. The “Worst First” Approach

We often procrastinate on the tasks we dread the most. Try flipping the script. Start your day by tackling the task you’re least looking forward to. It’s like eating your vegetables first – once it’s done, everything else feels easier in comparison. Plus, the sense of accomplishment can fuel you through the rest of your day which makes this one of the most affective time management strategies. And getting that undesirable thing knocked off the list really does set you up for major productivity.

  1. The “Time Blocking Tetris”

Think of your day like a game of Tetris. Different tasks are different shapes, and your goal is to fit them together without leaving gaps. Use a digital or physical planner to visually block out your time. The key is to be realistic – don’t try to cram in more than fits. And just like in Tetris, sometimes you need to rotate or shift things around to make them fit better.

  1. The “Lazy Genius” Method

This one’s for all the perfectionists out there. Choose one area of your life to be a “genius” in each day, and let yourself be “lazy” in others. Monday might be for crushing it at work, while you take it easy on household chores. Tuesday could be for deep cleaning your living space, while you order takeout instead of cooking. It’s about strategic prioritization, not trying to be superhuman every day.

  1. The “Temptation Bundling” Trick

Pair tasks you’re not excited about with things you love. Need to fold laundry? Do it while watching your favorite show. Have to write a report? Take your laptop to your favorite coffee shop. By linking dreaded tasks with enjoyable activities, you make the former more palatable and the latter guilt-free. I love this one and practice on the regular.

  1. The “No-Phone Zone” Challenge

Our phones are time-sucking black holes. Create physical “no-phone zones” in your home or office. Maybe it’s your desk, or the dinner table, or your bedroom. When you’re in these zones, your phone stays out. You’ll be amazed at how much more focused and productive you become. And as an added bonus – unplug 2 to 3 hours before bed.

  1. The “Power Hour” Sprint

Designate one hour a day as your “power hour.” During this time, attack your to-do list with reckless abandon. No distractions, no excuses. Set a timer and see how much you can accomplish. It’s like giving yourself a daily “productivity superpower” – use it wisely! I personally do this with my writing and do 30-minute writing sprints. I crank it out during this uninterrupted designated writing time.

  1. The “Time Travel” Technique

At the end of each day, take five minutes to “time travel” to tomorrow. Mentally walk through your next day. What do you need to prepare? What obstacles might you face? This simple time management exercise can save you hours of scrambling and stress the next day.

  1. The “Batch and Blast” Method

Group similar tasks together and knock them out in one fell swoop. Need to make phone calls? Do them all at once. Have emails to write? Set aside a block of time for just that. By batching tasks, you minimize the mental energy spent switching between different types of work.

Remember, the goal of time management isn’t to cram more and more into your day. It’s about making intentional choices with your time so you can focus on what truly matters. These strategies aren’t one-size-fits-all solutions. Experiment, mix and match, and find what works for you.

And hey, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t master time management overnight. Like any skill, it takes practice. Be patient with yourself, celebrate small wins, and keep pushing forward. Before you know it, you’ll be the one doling out time management advice to your frazzled friends.

So, which of these strategies are you going to try first? Your future, less-stressed self is waiting to find out.

Be sure to check out this previous post on SMART Goals.

If You Feel Stuck Or Are Struggling To Get A Handle On Your Days Here’s a Great Resource

So I know time management can be hard, but a lot of times in life there are things that keep us from focusing or getting in alignment with our purpose and path. Managing your time can be hard when you don’t have a clear path or a clear sense of direction.

And because I know it’s a struggle and hard I’ve created a guide, more of a workbook that will help you get clear. It’s my Ultimate Self-Inquisition Guide that is meant to help you get contemplative about your life, where you are, and why you’re stuck.

Click this link here to get instant access and begin the inner work to find clarity and get unstuck about what you want in life, how to get there, how to be effective and more purposeful, and then of course use the guidance in this article to help you crush your goals with the powerful time management strategies.

ultimate self-inquisition guide

Check out this short video I put together on Two Critical Success Habits that will help you take your newly discovered time management strategies to the next level.

For more awesome insights and inspiration each week sign up for my weekly newsletter.


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