The 7 Greatest Mental Health Talks

These are the 7 greatest mental health talks that address different aspects of challenge and struggles in life and give us much to ponder in the way of our reactions, how we address what comes up, respond and repair. These conversations include a broad span of professionals spanning an array of formative experience with a deep understanding of trauma with a vast perspective of modalities which offer enormous possibilities for each person’s journey to healing.

Greatest Mental Health Talks

This is a compilation of my favorite exchanges from these experts. I’m in conversation with incredible psychotherapists with decades of experience, a psychiatrist who is an adult ADHD expert, a psychologist specializing in ptsd and a psychiatrist who administers shock treatment and other alternative healing modalities with incredible mental health experts.

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Here are the 7 Greatest Mental Health Talks.

First Up Maira Holzmann Talking Somatics And Neglect

Maira Holzmann – A beautiful advocate for healing and honoring ourselves and our hurts. Mara is a somatic therapist.

  • Through the modality of somatic she believes she connects more deeply with her client and they are able to go deeper within to access the pain and hurt they are looking to release.
  • Somatic therapy entails a gentle touch, a hand on the back or holding of the arm while allowing your feelings to come up for resolution.
  • Mara says this deeper form of connection with touch is powerful and comforting when acknowledging discomfort.
  • We also talk about neglect is a serious form of abuse that many times is all together overlooked.

Listen in below –


#2 Is Don St. John On Healing Wounds

Healing Childhood Wounds With Don St. John –

In this conversation, Don St. John, a psychotherapist and author, discusses the importance of recognizing and healing childhood wounds and trauma. He is the author of “Healing The Wounds Of Childhood Trauma.” He emphasizes that everyone has wounds and that healing is a lifelong journey. Don explains the difference between trauma and wounds and highlights the opportunities for growth and self-discovery that can arise from addressing these experiences. He also explores the concept of psycho-spirituality and how it relates to healing. Don’s message is one of love and the importance of embracing the adventure of healing to blossom into our authentic selves.

  • Everyone has wounds and trauma that need to be recognized and addressed for healing to occur.
  • Childhood neglect can be just as damaging as physical or sexual abuse and should not be overlooked.
  • Wounds and trauma provide opportunities for growth and self-discovery, allowing individuals to sculpt their own uniqueness.
  • Healing requires a combination of psychological and spiritual work, including forgiveness, acceptance, and a sense of responsibility.
  • Embracing the adventure of healing and approaching it with love can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Listen to the powerful conversation now –

#3 Dr. Kat Peoples On Triggers To Heal Mental Health Struggles

Tracing Back Triggers With Dr. Kat Peoples –

Dr. Kat Peoples is a remarkable therapist with a very laid back and candid approach that offers us a clear path to accessing old wounds and hurts.

  • She knows that what is triggering us today is a reaction that is built upon layers of wounding and trauma that has gone unaddressed.
  • Until we get to the root of what is triggering us we can never truly heal. She is a powerful voice for healing and teaches us how through learning to trace back our triggers we can step mightily into wholeness.

For all of her powerful insights and the breakdown listen to the episode in it’s entirety below –

Fourth On The List Is Bill Belanger Giving Us Insights Into Narcissim

Narcissim With Bill Belanger – Bill Belanger has a unique approach relying on multiplying modalities. He spent time in the far east and relies on Buddhist principles and incorporates traditional western teaches as well in his work. Drawing from his extensive background in both Western clinical training and Eastern meditation practices, Bill emphasizes the importance of understanding narcissistic behavior and the tactics employed by narcissists.

  • Acquiring knowledge about the nature of narcissism enables us to effectively navigate interactions with narcissistic personalities, whether in the short or long term.
  • Narcissists possess a knack for executing manipulative maneuvers, often leaving their victims feeling like the “bad guy.”
  • By delving into the intricacies of narcissism, listeners will gain valuable tools to confront narcissistic individuals and protect their own well-being.
  • By exploring the different types of narcissism and comprehending the complexities of narcissistic personality disorder, listeners gain a deeper awareness of their circumstances and can begin the healing process.

#5 PTSD With David Bonanno

Dr. David Bonanno, a psychologist and PTSD survivor, discusses his book ‘Your Brain is a Robocat’ and his unique perspective on trauma and healing. He explains how PTSD can be understood as the logical part of the brain going offline and the emotional fight or flight brain taking over. Dr. Bonanno shares his personal experiences with trauma and the challenges he faced in finding effective therapy. He introduces eye movement therapy and memory reconsolidation as a more effective approach to treating PTSD. Dr. Bonanno emphasizes the importance of understanding clean pain versus dirty pain and the need for productive therapy. He also discusses the need to change the perception of PTSD and offers guidance for those who are stuck and suffering.Takeaways

  • PTSD can be understood as the logical part of the brain going offline and the emotional fight or flight brain taking over.
  • Traditional talk therapy and medication may not be effective in treating PTSD, and alternative approaches such as eye movement therapy and memory reconsolidation can be more beneficial.
  • Differentiating between clean pain and dirty pain can help individuals understand their emotions and move towards healing.
  • It is important to change the perception of PTSD and provide more effective and productive therapy for those who are suffering.
  • Don’t give up – there is hope for healing and overcoming trauma.



6th Up We Are Talking Adult ADHD With Dr. Dara Abraham

Dr. Dara Abraham is an expert in Adult ADHD. She offers insights into signs and symptoms of ADHD which many times go unnoticed.

  • Often times we may be in close proximity to someone or even have it ourselves and not know it.
  • She shares expert guidance on living with it and how ADHD is not only a thing that plagues young people, but you can have it as an adult and the most powerful insight of all is that you can live with it and thrive.

Watch the interview below –

Last But Not Least #7 Mental Health And Mental Wellness With Dr. Joshua Bess

Dr. Joshua Bess On Mental Wellness

In this conversation, Dr. Josh Bess, a psychiatrist, discusses various aspects of mental health, including the need for more help and treatment options. He explains how social media and online bullying contribute to mental health issues, and highlights the importance of addressing myths and misconceptions surrounding mental health. Dr. Bess also discusses alternative treatments and brain stimulation techniques. He offers guidance for individuals who are hesitant to seek help and emphasizes the importance of meaningful connections in one’s life.Takeaways

  • There is a need for more mental health help and resources.
  • Social media and online bullying have a significant impact on mental health.
  • Alternative treatments and brain stimulation techniques show promise in treating mental health conditions.
  • It is important to address myths and misconceptions surrounding mental health.
  • Meaningful connections and support are crucial in seeking help and managing mental health.

To get all of Dr. Bess’ wisdom and insights from the entire conversation click below –

The Very Best Mental Health Resource

As you know I’m a huge proponent of mental wellness and ensuring we all get the help we need when we need it. And of course, I don’t want you just to get any help I want you to get the right help so I am now sponsored by BetterHelp. BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online.

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