Near Death Experience Kathy McDaniel

We’ve all pondered life after death, but what about the near death experience?

For Kathy McDaniel she no longer needs to ponder because she was given a glimpse into the other side via a near death experience. She considers herself an expat now, of Heaven that is.

She joins us for a powerful conversation and a glimpse to the other side through her own near death experience on the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast.

Listen in below –

Misfit In Hell To Heaven Expat

She’s been to the other side, Hell and Heaven.

Her experience she shares was vivid and dark and also colorful and joyful. 

Kathy went not only to Heaven, but also to hell and shares her intimate account with the other side, both sides of the other side. 

She said Heaven is glorious beyond belief while hell was a dark gloomy place that traumatized her and gave her nightmares and ptsd. 

She focuses on the beautiful parts of her NDE near death experience – that’s when she was roaming in Heaven with divinity. 

Kathy saw loved ones who had crossed over and was given very clear directives from God to go back and finish her work here with us mere earthly mortals. 

She shares her account in her book Misfit In Hell To Heaven Expat. Click here to learn more about the book. 

Her best selling memoir is uplifting and lighthearted. It’s also chilling and captivating story of a near death experience and what the other side actually feels like. 

She says the experience was “life twisting” and changed everything for her. 

It was an insightful conversation to say the least. It gives us perspective that perhaps we did not have. 

Kathy shares candidly about her experience first winding up in Hell and then to the majesty of Heaven. 

She learned so much about life in the experience of her temporary cross-over and sees it all in a remarkably clear way now for what it is. 

Kathy says she looks at tragedies, hardships and death in a whole new way that is so much more empowering than the way we’ve learned to see struggles in life. 

Life doesn’t end. We never really die. We just transition to a new state of being in a new form and in a new magical way that is the most spectacular thing ever. 

Sounds pretty extraordinary. 

I welcome you to join us for this eye opening exchange with Kathy McDaniel on episode #14 of the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast.

She’s got messages from God for us and offers us newfound perspective on living and living powerfully. 

To learn more about Mary Kathy McDaniel check out her site. 

For one of my favorite episodes on the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast checkout my conversation with Dr. Daniel Winkle here.

For more inspiration and insights check out these other posts on the blog –

This is just one of hundreds of conversations on the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast that offer insight, perspective and eye opening wisdom that will only give you deeper understanding of what it means to be alive, the purpose of it all and how we can use these insights to our benefit in this amazing little thing called life.


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