Living in your light is the most pure way for us to live. Be bold. That’s essentially what it means to live in your light. We resist so much in life only to come to find that resistance is truly not the path or way. Life presents opportunities and abundance when we least expect it. Life offers us so many chances at soul growth.

Betterment And To Be Bold Is Up To Us
It truly is up to us to want to embrace the challenges for our own betterment. The struggles are about evolution. In contemplation of every challenge that presents self we are given an opportunity for reflection. We are offered up a chance at deeper inquisition? We can be in resentment of what is. We can reject what is? Or we can live into the struggle powerfully. We can ask the universe why in a philosophical way. “Why me” is not the same as simply “why?” Those of us interested in sincere transformation recognize a potential gift in the difficulty. T
here is a way of approaching from a place of victimhood or there is a way of embracing what is to learn the deeper lesson. We can do either. And the choice is truly ours. How we react and how we interpret what happens to us is based purely in our own self awareness and ultimate self-preservation.
Do we hunker down to the battles and struggles or do we take them and rise up? We are stronger for it. The toughest people out there generally have fought some of the toughest battles in life.
Life requires bravery and boldness of us. When we step up and step out we begin to live in our most awesome light.
Listen in to this podcast episode with Chad Peevy on Self-Betterment.
Be Bold With These 3 Tips
- Share More From The Heart: While it may be scary to share deeply it’s there that we begin to heal and feel whole. It’s being bold in this way that will put us on a path to being more fulfilled. Download Chapter 1 of my book Heart To Heart:10 Steps To Communicating Mindfully And Connecting Deeply
- Listen Better: While it’s hard to listen cause in fact we just want to talk, listening is a powerful way to connect with those around you. It may be scary or difficult to listen to hard things or it can be challenging to hear someone else’s struggles, but it teaches us about life and how to show up and be bold not only for ourselves, but those around us.
- Say I Love You More: I’m sure every now and then you get an deep urge to tell a loved one you love them, but I’m suggesting you do it more frequently. Do it all the time. It takes guts and courage to share from the heart in this way, but it opens up the gateway to magic between us and those around us.
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