Mindful quotes are powerful affirmations to bring us back to the present and give us greater insight into living with great awareness. You know we love mindful quotes around here. Today let’s consider mindful quotes for happiness since that seems to be the elusive thing we are all chasing.

Here are the 9 Greatest Mindful Quotes For Happiness
Table of Contents
#1 Mindful Quote
“This too shall pass.”
This quote helps remind us that life is ever-changing. Even the hardest moment will resolve itself and we will be able to return to peace and tranquility. This is a powerful reminder to take moment to moment.
#2 Mindful Quote For Happiness
“Life is what you make it.” Not sure who to attribute this one to. This mindful quote can truly evoke happiness if you understand it deeply and live by the quote. This quote will ensure your life is yours and you have free will to design it and have it be exactly as you wish it to be.
3rd Quote On Mindfulness
“Be here now.” Ram Das famously said this as a way to bring us back to the present. So as we ruminate on regrets from the past and live in worry of the future this is a powerful reminder to come back to this moment.
Quote #4
“Time is precious. Don’t waste it on things that don’t matter.” SKD This is my very own quote by yours truly Sue Dhillon. We make the most out of life by making the most of our time.
#5 On The List
“Let this singular moment be enough.” SKD
This quote suggests that this moment is true sustenance. Everything is here and we enter into a state of awareness and understand mindfulness in this way this very moment is all we have. Allowing this moment to be enough suggests we have arrived and are fulfilled even if just for the moment.
6th Mindful Quote Will Keep You Grounded
“Right now. Right here. This is everything.” SKD
Again another reminder to bring back the awareness to this moment and be in this moment only not drifting in our minds and thoughts of the past and future, but right here right now. Have the awareness that this moment truly is all there is and that is everything.
Mindful Quote #7
“Be all in.” SKD
This quote if taken to heart can help you live powerfully in each and every moment by bringing all of your awareness to it. So no matter what it is you are doing right now, give it your all. Be all in with the task, the play, the meditation, the cooking. Don’t half-ass. Do it and do it all the way.
#8 On The List Is Powerful
“In the silence, I hear my heart sing.” SKD
This is a powerful reminder of the incredible and enormous power of mindfulness. When we get quiet it is there that we come to a place of deep peace and awaken true bliss and joy. When we are scattered and all over the place there is no peace, but in the silence, we find a rhythmic harmony with our spirit, heart, and soul.
#9 Is A Perfect Mindful Quote To Round It Out
“Lose yourself in the silence. There’s magic there.” SKD
Another quote to take with you is to allow happiness to flow through you. The more mindful you become the more all of this will make sense. It’s in the silence and in the depths of quiet that we find magic and bliss like no other. So learn to go inward and practice mindfulness. Make it a daily ritual.
Check out this previous post on 7 Mindful Quotes We Love
My Favorite Mindfulness Resources And Tools
You know Mindfulness is kind of the jam around here. So in that bent let’s offer you some resources. Start with my guided Deep Trance Guided Meditation here –
If you want more then check out these posts below for beginners –
Therapeutic Mindfulness: Mindfulness For Healing
I cover several aspects of mindfulness on a regular basis and one of my primary areas of focus in the mindful realm is mindful communication. Check out these posts for more on that here with Mindful Communication , or Resolve Conflict Like A Pro.
And if you are ready to elevate your mindfulness practice then these tools from Renoo.