Pep Talk. Just a gentle reminder, pick me up, inspirational talk about owning your greatness.
This one is for the ladies. I know it’s been tough right now with all that’s going on and it seems women are seeming to have a harder time right now.
However I want to let you know, remind you that you are so capable. You are so worth it.
Statistics show women are having more bad dreams and seem to be reaching out for more therapy.
I know you ladies have stepped up your game with family and loved ones during this difficult time.
You are always taking it all on because you are a lover and giver and you just don’t always know how to pause and take a moment for you.
Well this is my pep talk for you reminding you – to take a moment to pause and love yourself!
My whole purpose here is to just offer a little love and guidance along the way on this bumpy little thing called life.
It’s hard. I get it more than anyone. As you know I’ve been through a series of traumatic things in life. It’s been a real struggle, but what the struggle has taught me is that I’m capable. I am worthy. I am brave. I am strong. I will survive.
How To Deal With A looming crisis. I wrote about this here and this is what I’m doing.
The greatest advice I’ve ever gotten will hep you with this.
I’ve used the hardships at every bend to push myself through all of it. I’ve used the hangups to fore ahead and to hone my resilience. That’s what it all boils down to in the end.
And I want to thank you for your love and support and know that there is always love and support out there.
You are so worthy.
If there is someone in life you struggle to communicate with this book is for you.
Learn the most powerful way to connect and go deep with those around you.