Motivation where to find it and how to keep it? Let’s talk about that one thing that seems like it storms in and storms out just as fast. Motivation. How do we find and hold on to this ever elusive feeling. This post is a part of a new series of posts to continue offering helpful information, insights and resources. This was a question I received and I’m sharing my responses here.

The answers you will find are my sincere from the heart responses to people needing guidance and inspiration. And while some of the answers might be brief I’m hopeful there will be a tidbit in there and some sort of takeaway.
I do this from the sincerity of my heart. It is my calling to assist and help others and that’s why God has put me on a path to do the work for that very reason. The more work I do the better I can assist. I believe my life and struggles have been for this very reason to learn from and grow from. I was forced inward along the way so I could look deeper at all of the trauma and come out stronger and wiser and now I share those insights I’ve gained over the last more than two decade journey of seeking my own answers to all of life’s complexities.
How Do I Gain Motivation And Keep Staying Motivated?
Find it inside yourself. Tell yourself all your teachers used to tell you. Motivate yourself. It’s inside of you to pull out.
In the end you are the driving force behind what gets done and what doesn’t in your life.
The most successful people are focused and driven.
Focus on the things you want to accomplish. Spend all or most of your energy on that.
Start your days with inspiration. There are thousands of motivational speeches on youtube. Just listen in the morning while you get ready.
Most of all, know and never forget there is greatness inside of you.
You are the only thing getting in your way.
You are not here to be mediocre. You are here to be your most awesome you.
Now get out there and make it happen. Happy New Year. Hope it’s totally awesome for you! You got this. Check out 2020 Game Plan. The Strategy For Crushing It In 2020. Or 2020 Game On.
And for a little extra push – check out 100 Motivational Quotes That Will Inspire You.
I’ll leave you with one I love –
“If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission
— Anonymous
For more insights and inspiration check out my sister site –
Thanks very nice blog!