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All Year Round Hiking Essentials Are A Necessity
Hiking gear can make all the difference on your hike. It’s not about brand names, but the essentials if you’re a serious about nature. Sure fabric way for your lulu lemons may change every season to acclimate your body heat to the outside heat, but there are somethings that are year round staples.
Here’s my list of Hiking Must Haves – Not to mention I’ll be marking down some of my favorite trails I hit here in the Bay Area – Might as well bonus down on the value I give you.
If you’re from the Bay Area it’s likely you too are cohabitating the grounds of these splendid trails littered with fresh air and blanketed with Redwoods, but for those who are not from the area and might be coming through for a visit or just curious about the surroundings here in sunny Northern California, I got you.
Hiking Essential #1
Shoes. Without the right shoes on your feet getting a good 3 mile hike in can be more than treacherous, no pun intended here whatsoever.
My go to’s are the Asics Gel Kayano or second best – the Nimbus.

Hiking Essential #2
Yes. I’m going there. The reusable pee cloth. This is an essential part of being able to chill and hike without the need to expedite. If that makes any sense. If you’re anything like me or any of my girlfriends you know that when you gotta go you gotta go and out in the wilderness there is nothing worse than needing to go or needing to cut your hike in half because you gotta dash back to a really dirty bathroom or even worse the port-a-potty.
So back to our options which are many –
I recommend the Circe Care Pee Cloth – reusable of course and comes in 14 pretty color ways so we’ve got options ladies.
Or there’s Tinkle Belle – Yep. Just the name alone makes you makes you want to buy it doesn’t it. Tinkle Belle is the ultimate female urination device.

Hiking Gear #3
Hydration is key when planning on getting a sweaty hike in. So in this department we’ve got so many options it’s really hard to decipher. The water pack has evolved immensely since it’s first incarnation several decades ago. Here’s the one I feel is the best for your money – Teton Sports Oasis.

Hiking Essential #4
Snacks – Trail mix seems the obvious thing, but it’s how we transport it that matters. My fridge tends to be stocked with a lot of berries, fruit and my cupboards boast a lot of nuts, smoked almonds are my go to snack. I do love the little nut packs from Trader Joe’s, but there are these – yes the cliff bar. It’s the ultimate go to for that ultimate hike that is so very essential and optimal for your overall wellbeing.

Hiking Is Good For Your Overall Well Being
And let’s just say it’s good to affirm the power of Hiking. Doctors say 30 minutes of cardio combined with nature truly is a recipe for health and wellness and not to mention longevity.
Some of my favorite trails I hit here in the bay are – Wildcat Gorge in Tilden.
Huckleberry in Montclair. Joaquin Miller Sequoia Arena is a trail I’ve spent more time on than any other trail and that with my gorgeous fur baby who left me a few years ago. I dream about him still. He was a rambunctious Doberman named Akash.
Did you know since the pandemic trail hiking went up three fold? I had the experience for the first time ever not being able to get into Muir Woods cause it was jam packed with people. They even now take reservations for the parking lot. We were offered up the option to hike back in from Muir Beach by the friendly ranger, but with the amount of people, many who just seemed to be loitering it was a total turnoff.
I mean going to the Redwoods with wall to wall people just is not my cup of mushroom tea. Check out my post on Nature According To Transcendentalists.
Or check out my video – How Nature Can Help Us Transcend.