I’m working on a handful of things as usual. Never enough time in the day, but I remain hopeful it will all over a period of time indeed get done. I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting lately.
Almost March? What? What happened to January and the most of February? So crazy, the lightening speed at which time is traveling.
They would tell me when I was younger time flies, but I really didn’t get it. And now with the aging process and having put a few decades down I’m starting to get it.
Perspective is one thing, but experience is a whole ‘nother thing.
So as a writer and trainer I have a pretty jam pack schedule, but Sundays are all mine. What does all mine entail? For me it entails lounging heavy – ok so it’s probably not the kind of lounging you’d imagine. When I say lounging I’ve got my cup of coffee or iced coffee.

Ok this is not really my cup, but I kind of need to go find one just like this. I’ve drank from cups like this and it always seems like some delightful all too short lived experience that leaves my lips partially chapped, my throat cold with glee and my heart warm with cheer.
So Sundays are spent reading, writing, doing some Reiki, which is generally a daily thing and of course a little amped up meditation. Not to leave out my walk or run. A little sweat is par for the course.
And while it may seem far fetched I embody what I preach. I really do live like this and this is what I do.
So heads up on what I’m working on – My next book – It’s a Memoir of Sorts – let’s just say – Hint Hint.

Yes. I do write long hand from time to time. I have stacks and stacks of journals – handwritten notepads, notes, my old reporter notebooks and journals all over the place. Stacks that need to get transported – moved over to the digital age so I can turn those thoughts, woes and worries, profundities at times and many times messages from the divine into something substantive.
Yes. I am called to write and share. Nothing more awesome than provoking thought and evoking emotion.
It’s my cup of tea indeed.
Just visiting because of your podcast with Isa Gucciardi. I enjoyed that conversation! Wishing you all the best with your plans.
Thank you so much. It really means a lot. Truly appreciate it.