Question: Is There A Way To Motivate Myself To Get Things Done?
Consider your life a series of moments. Understand time. It’s fleeting.
Think deeply about what is going in the world right now. This is the perfect time to motivate yourself and get things done that you normally would not be able to.
It’s really now or never. Think of the satisfaction you will feel once you choose to get things done.
Only you will feel this sense of accomplishment. It’s something to look forward to and aim for.
Your external life will be exactly as your internal world is.
So if you want to sit around and just waste the days then life will not really amount to much.
However you have a choice and that is the most beautiful thing.
It’s totally up to you to motivate yourself. It’s up to you to know your worth.
It’s up to you to manifest awesomeness and all that you desire into your life.
Sitting around and waiting for something different to happen or just think you’ll wake up one day and feel motivated is not how it works.
You must know there is greatness inside you. You must motivate yourself.
You have to realize time is fleeting and you are just sitting by idle waiting. Wasting days away. You are better than this.
Find the motivation within yourself to get it done.
Begin to feel inspired. Listen to inspiring things everyday. Do the self work. Get into a different frame of mind and you’ll change the whole game.
It’s all energy. You choose. You manifest. You decide how excited you want to be about your life everyday!
You got this!
So as a part of a new series of posts I’ll be offering what I hope is helpful information, insights and resources and sharing my responses to questions from people – ones that are most commonly asked and questions I think will be most helpful.
The answers you will find are my sincere from the heart responses to people needing guidance and inspiration. And while some of the answers might be brief I’m hopeful there will be a tidbit in there and some sort of takeaway.
I do this from the sincerity of my heart. It is my calling to assist and help others and that’s why God has put me on a path to do the work for that very reason. The more work I do the better I can assist. I believe my life and struggles were for this very reason to learn from and grow from. I was forced inward along the way so I could look deeper at all of the trauma and come out stronger and wiser and now I share those insights I’ve gained over the last more than two decade journey of seeking my own answers to all of life’s complexities.
Tagged: motiviation, ins, inspired, motivation tips, motivation advice, helpful motivation, inspiration daily, mind body soul, wellness, mindfulness, presence, awareness, this moment0 Likes