Question – How Do I Get Rid Of A Victim Mindset?
Answer –
Do better. Stop wasting time feeling sorry for yourself. It’s fruitless. You’ll get no where. Here’s the thing in life – what you focus on is what manifests.
So the more you act like a victim and live in a state of victimhood the more that feeling grows inside of you. You have less confidence to want to get out that state of mind and make something of your life.
So if you are sincere in asking this question – which I believe you are – because I can imagine being a victim all day every day gets pretty old and boring – then I am asking you right here right now as you read this to – proclaim – NO MORE. I’M DONE.
And now life begins all over for you. It’s a new day and you get to feel better. You get to chase after your dreams. You get to start your day with something inspirational – youtube tedtalks, Abraham Hicks, Dr.joe dispenza, Jim Rohn, Dr. Bruck Lipton, Brendon Burchard, Impact Theory – there are thousands of videos. You don’t have to watch, but just listen for five to ten minutes every single morning. Start you day with this. Commit to doing this for ten days straight and you will begin to feel your thought patterns changing.
You will begin to feel excited about life.
You are so much better than this. You did not come here to waste time and sit around feeling sorry for yourself.
You are here to be your most awesome you and live your most awesome life. Time is precious. Every moment you spend feeling sorry for yourself is a moment you deprive yourself of being your most awesome you!
So cut it out. Start now. It’s all energy. Whatever you put into life is exactly what you get back. It’s hard at times I know, but those lessons are there to help you grow and evolve, not for you to use and excuse to feel sorry for yourself.
You can do this. Chase after your dreams. Make your life totally awesome. You’re worth it!
Books That Will Help You Get Rid Of A Victim Mindset
Here are some of my favorite reads I recommend that will absolutely help with getting rid of a victim mindset.

Arthur C. Brooks is the most prolific writer and teacher in the happiness space. He teaches us in ways that only he can how to overcome hardship and find deep meaning and purpose in life. Brooks writes a weekly column for the Atlantic, How To Build A Life.
Or this book to give you deeper insight into thinking in more prolific ways. I ensure you it will help you without question have less of a victim mindset.

Robert Greene has been one of my greatest teachers in life. He has spent a lifetime in inquiry and research of the greatest and most prolific thinkers to come up with this master piece that gives us a profound glimpse into the human psyche and how people work, what triggers them and how to master the game of life. Understanding human nature is no easy feat, but this vast treasure will have you level up how you show up in life and with others.
So as a part of a new thing I’ll be offering helpful information, insights and resources and sharing my responses to questions from people – ones that are most commonly asked and questions I think will be most helpful.
The answers you will find are my sincere from the heart responses to people needing guidance and inspiration. And while some of the answers might be brief I’m hopeful there will be a tidbit in there and some sort of takeaway.
I do this from the sincerity of my heart. It is my calling to assist and help others and that’s why God has put me on a path to do the work for that very reason. The more work I do the better I can assist. I believe my life and struggles were for this very reason to learn from and grow from. I was forced inward along the way so I could look deeper at all of the trauma and come out stronger and wiser and now I share those insights I’ve gained over the last more than two decade journey of seeking my own answers to all of life’s complexities.
If you’d like to ask me a question – click here.
Check out this article on mindful communication to help you deal with those people that may be the culprits to your victim mindset in the first place.
And be sure to check out my mindfulness space.
Tagged: motivation, inspiration, joy, mindfulness, victimhood, inspired life, living happy, goals 2020, ambitious life, motivation for 2020, motivation advice, motivation tips, sue dhillon, sue dhillon quotes