How do we create a life of inspired destiny? Well the founder of Inspired Destinies has some tips for us all. I had the delight of talking to Success Coach, Mentor and student of Bob Proctor Sandy Rutherford on the show.

Sandy has experienced highs and lows and she through her own teaching and training with her mentor the one and only Bob Proctor has come up with Unstoppable Success System.
She also has a book out Navigating the High C’s To Success: An 8 Step Charted Course To Extraordinary Achievement
Sandy has experienced highs and lows both personally and professionally, but she wanted more out of life. She wasn’t willing to settle for mediocrity so she charted her own path and plan to reach the peaks she was seeking and revel in the highs she has since attained.
To learn more about Sandy you can check her out at her website.

My Biggest Insight From Sandy’s Inspired Destiny Teaching
For me the biggest insight was her affirming the fact that we are using limited potential. While I always knew this Sandy affirms it with rigor and certainty and believes wholeheartedly that we each have the enormous potential to reach extraordinary success should we choose.
Sandy shares, “……this success system. It’s called thinking into results. But what it showed me is that success is a process. You’ve got to do certain things in a certain order. A lot of people do all the different things you’re supposed to do, but not in the right order. And there is a right order to it. So understanding the process, the order, and here’s the important thing. As I got more and more into his material, I started to see, wow, there’s two huge areas that really need extra attention that we don’t give. Even in the first couple of years I was working with Bob, I hadn’t seen that we actually need more attention to the following two areas.”
3 Best Takeaways On Creating A Life Of Inspired Destiny
Sandy share there are three things we have to work on in order to achieve ultimate success –
” One is goal, you know, goal setting, goal clarity. And that sounds so kind of corporate and blah, but here’s the thing. Most people are intellectually, they may set a goal and they’re intellectually enamored with their goal, they’re not emotionally evolved with their goal and that makes the world of difference. That was what was going on, one of the things that was going on with me. I was intellectually enamored with a big goal to be a highly successful entrepreneur, but I was not emotionally bought in. So really understanding how to really up the level of emotional involvement with your goals, which automatically raises your commitment levels. And most people aren’t fully committed to their goals.”
“And the second thing that every one of us has to address is self-image. I began to realize my self-image, you know, I have a lot of people that say to me, but Sandy, I think I have a really strong self-image. And I’m sure you do. I’m sure every one of your listeners has a very strong self-image in certain areas of their lives. It may be in previous jobs. It may be as a parent, as a mother, dad, right? As a community leader. We have strong self images in various areas of our lives, which was why we have different levels of successes going on, which makes life wonderful and fulfilling. But it’s where that dream goal success is that you’re looking for, that your self image isn’t lined up with.:
“….You’re clear. You’re emotionally involved. Your self-image is going, You’re dying to get into action. Your commitment’s right there.”
So those are the 3 takeaways right there –
- Be crystal clear about what you want
- Be emotionally involved, dream it, feel it into being essentially, imagine as if you already have it. Activate those emotions from deep within.
- Make sure your self-image lines up with that goal. How confident are you?
To learn more about this Sandy’s success system and methodology.
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