Art And Happiness: Explore the Connection

Art and happiness. How do these two coalesce exactly?

Let’s get into it. So let me ask you – have you ever stood in front of a painting and felt a wave of emotion wash over you? Or did you pick up a paintbrush and lose track of time? If so, you’ve tapped into the powerful connection between art and happiness. A.K.A. Flow.

It’s not just in your head (well, technically it is, but in a good way). Science is backing up what artists have known for centuries: creating and experiencing art can significantly boost our mood and overall well-being.

This is a conversation I’ve been having as a writer and dare I say, artist. Yes, writers are artists.

Check out this incredibly insightful conversation I had with Creative Coach Brian Pattaca.

The Science Behind the Art and Happiness

Before we dive into the how-to’s, let’s geek out for a moment on the science. A 2016 study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that engaging in creative activities contributes to an “upward spiral” of positive emotions. Participants reported feeling happier and more energetic after spending time on creative endeavors.

Check out this super insightful article from Psychology Science on the Upward Spiral.

But it’s not just about creating art. A 2011 study in the journal Emotion showed that even short visits to art galleries can improve mood and reduce stress, validating the incredible connection between art and happiness. Researchers found that participants’ cortisol levels (a stress hormone) decreased significantly after just 35 minutes of taking in an art exhibit.

Neurologically speaking, engaging with art activates the brain’s reward center, releasing feel-good chemicals like dopamine. It’s like a natural high, minus the questionable life choices that usually come with actual highs.

Art as a Mood Booster: It’s Not Just for “Artists”

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking: “But I can’t even draw a straight line!” Good news: you don’t have to be the next Picasso to reap the benefits of art. The joy is in the process, not the end result.

Dr. Christianne Strang, a professor of neuroscience at the University of Alabama Birmingham and former president of the American Art Therapy Association, puts it this way: “Engaging in the process of creation, regardless of the outcome, can reduce anxiety and stress.” So whether your artwork ends up in a gallery or on your fridge (courtesy of a magnet your realtor gave you), the mental health benefits are the same.

Getting Your Art On: Practical Tips for the Artistically Challenged

Ready to dive into the world of art but not sure where to start? Here are some easy ways to incorporate art into your life, even if you think you don’t have an artistic bone in your body:

  1. Adult Coloring Books: They’re not just for kids anymore. Coloring can be meditative and relaxing, perfect for unwinding after a long day.
  2. Visit Local Galleries: Remember that study about reduced stress levels after gallery visits? Take advantage of free gallery nights in your area.
  3. Take a Painting Class: Many local art studios offer “paint and sip” classes. It’s a fun, low-pressure way to try your hand at painting (and the wine doesn’t hurt).
  4. Try Digital Art: Apps like Procreate or even MS Paint can be great for doodling without the mess of traditional art supplies.
  5. Photograph Your World: You don’t need fancy equipment. Use your phone to capture moments or scenes that speak to you.
  6. Sculpt with Play-Doh: Who says it’s just for kids? Squishing and molding can be incredibly satisfying and stress-relieving.
  7. Create a Vision Board: Collaging images and words that inspire you can be both artistic and motivational.
Art And Happiness

The Ripple Effect: How Art Enhances Other Aspects of Life

The benefits of engaging with art extend beyond just making you happier in the moment, it’s more than just art and happiness. Regular creative practice can improve problem-solving skills, boost self-esteem, and even enhance memory.

A 2017 study published in the journal Neurology found that people who engaged in artistic activities in middle and old age had a 73% lower risk of developing mild cognitive impairment, which can be a precursor to dementia. So, picking up that paintbrush might just be keeping your brain young.

Moreover, art can be a powerful tool for self-expression and processing emotions. It provides a safe outlet for feelings that might be difficult to put into words. This is why art therapy has become an increasingly popular and effective treatment for conditions like PTSD and depression.

Making Art a Habit: Small Steps to a Happier You

Incorporating art into your routine doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Start small:

  • Set aside 10 minutes a day for sketching or doodling
  • Join an online art challenge (there are plenty on social media)
  • Turn your usual walk into a photo safari, capturing interesting sights
  • Swap your usual podcast for an audiobook about an artist you admire

Remember, the goal isn’t to create masterpieces (unless that’s your thing, in which case, go for it). The aim is to engage in the process, to play, to explore. It’s about opening yourself up to new experiences and perspectives.

The Bigger Picture

In a world that often prioritizes productivity overplay, embracing art can feel like a radical act of self-care. It’s a reminder that joy and creativity are essential parts of the human experience, not just luxuries.

So, the next time you’re feeling down or stressed, try reaching for a sketchpad instead of your phone. You might just find that the path to happiness is paved with paintbrushes, colored pencils, and the occasional glob of Play-Doh. After all, life is your canvas – why not make it as colorful and joy-filled as possible and explore the powerful connection between art and happiness?

Get Clarity So You Can Start Getting Happier And Make Art

To start going deeper so you can have greater clarity and start tapping into the flow state start with some self-inquiry. You can download my free Ultimate Self-Inquisition Guide and start to journey inward. Go deeper with yourself. Learn to sit in self-inquisition and self-reflect to tap in as you’ve never tapped in before.

ultimate self-inquisition guide

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Art And Happiness: Explore the Connection

Art And Happiness



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