Talk therapy is a wonderful way to heal, but in the realm of online therapy vs. in-person, online is just better. So I’ve had a back-and-forth and up-and-down deal with therapy over the years. Let’s get into it, but first, my story about my early experiences with in-person therapy that healed me.

I’ve had a lot of trauma in my life so in my younger years I spent a decade going to therapy. It helped me in some strange way.
I needed talk therapy. The trauma was swirling around in my head non-stop so I could only talk to loved ones about it for so long, but needed a solid sounding board, and my therapist, who was a doctor, and a psychiatrist was that sounding board for years.
He was amazing. I really enjoyed my countless sessions at talk therapy with him and his rhetorical suggestions and questions gave me a lot to think about in those younger years. I felt smarter it seemed. He’d present questions to have me ponder my own rationale around that issue that only he could do in that particular way. He alluded to things that allowed me a depth of perspective that only he could present.
I mean he was a few decades into the game. And he’d share some personal things for perspective about time and age and about his own victim states in his younger years and how as he got older he simply couldn’t imagine putting up with some of what he did in his youth. I’m there now.
It resonated for me even then cause I could sense and see how some of my unhealthy patterns were simply not serving me. And while I already knew that deep down inside his affirmations were good for me.
I changed some of my behavior cause of those powerful sessions in therapy. It really did help me feel less sorry for myself.
It was the type of talk therapy that worked. Not the kind that kept me in a space of helplessness. Not the kind that suggested medication and not the kind that looked at me blankly and said, “ok same time next week?”
No. It was the substantive kind. It was the kind that wanted to heal me and make me better. It was the kind that wanted to be done with me, but I just needed to not be done with it cause it offered me a sense of comfort and support. He was that non-objective ear I needed in my life at that time.
And talk therapy did wonders for me.
Why Online Talk Therapy Is So Helpful And Good
So online therapy in this day and age just makes sense. It’s kind of how we roll right? Who wants to go to an office and go sit in a stiff chair or sink into an all too plushy couch and share intimacies about your struggles and challenges?
Well of course there is a part of that that sounds marvelous and very inviting. And we need to share and it’s good to share and get it off your chest, but doing that from the comfort and convenience of your own home is so much better.
There is an aspect of energy to sharing in the privacy of your own space that also makes it seem and feel so much more productive. You’re never quite as comfortable when you’re in someone else’s space or setting.
The luxury of having a session from your laptop on your lap in the privacy of your room under your favorite blanket or in your pajamas just makes it less stressful and so much more inviting.
The beauty of online therapy now is that you can do it as a video chat if you want to connect in that way. You can do it as an online chat if you just want to type and not be seen and if you’re not into typing then or being seen and just need to get some things off your chest you can have a phone call.
This is why I believe online therapy is the absolute best.
Also, there are so many incredibly insightful and well-versed therapists. Back in the day, it was slim pickings and quite often they were trained in one modality and you may or may not resonate with them, but you took what you could get. My therapist was quite the exception to this rule. I just jived with him from the jump.
However, now there are so many qualified therapists that it truly is easy to find one that resonates for you and you can connect with.
My Absolute Favorite Resource For Online Therapy
As you know I’m a huge proponent of mental wellness and ensuring we all get the help we need when we need it. And of course, I don’t want you just to get any help I want you to get the right help so I am now sponsored by BetterHelp. BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online.
BetterHelp offers a network of over 25,000 licensed and experienced therapists who can help you with a wide range of issues. Just click on the link below, answer a few questions, and get matched with a therapist from the network. One of the most amazing features of BetterHelp, if you don’t jive with your therapist you can switch to a new one that’s a better fit for you any time free of charge. With BetterHelp, you get the same professionalism and quality you expect from in-office therapy, but with a therapist who is custom-picked for you, more scheduling flexibility, and at a more affordable price. Click the button in the image.

Check out this post – onlline vs in person therapy
Or this one – Why BetterHelp Is the Best
Listen In To These Great Mental Health Conversations From The Podcast
So as you know I make a living sharing helpful insights, my own that I gain through reading, research, conversations I’m having with experts on the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast and expert tips and guidance.
Here are a few of my favorite therapists offering great insights from the show –
Dr. Joshua Bess is a psychiatrist and we are talking Mental Wellness
Dr. Don St. John is a therapist of more than 40 years and we are talking about awakening healing through some alternative methods like Ayahuasca
Dr. David Bonanno is a psychologist and PTSD expert with powerful insights for anyone who has anxiety and is looking to heal it