EFT For Clearing Blocks With Allison Jayne Ewing

EFT has been knowing to help with a lot of things, anxiety, stress, insomnia and expert Allison Jane Ewing says she helps people use EFT for clearing blocks.

Emotional Freedom Technique commonly known as EFT is a powerful modality for all sorts of ailments. Many swear by its potent efficacy. Allison Jane Ewing joins me on the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast to share her insights.

EFT For Clearing Blocks

Allison Jayne Ewing, a seasoned psychotherapist and EFT practitioner, shares her journey into the world of EFT tapping and explains the science behind it. EFT tapping involves stimulating specific acupressure points on the body to calm the amygdala and shift the brain into an alpha brainwave state. This technique can be used to clear blocks, release negative emotions, and create permanent changes in the brain. Allison emphasizes the importance of working with a practitioner for deep-seated issues and trauma. She also discusses the power of mindset in attracting healthy relationships and offers insights on how to tap for specific challenges.

Takeaways On EFT For Clearing Blocks

  • EFT tapping involves stimulating specific acupressure points to calm the amygdala and shift the brain into an alpha brainwave state.
  • Tapping can be used to clear blocks, release negative emotions, and create permanent changes in the brain.
  • Working with a practitioner is recommended for deep-seated issues and trauma.
  • Mindset plays a crucial role in attracting healthy relationships.
  • Tapping can be done regularly as a self-help tool, but deeper issues may require the guidance of a practitioner.

Best Quotes From The Episode

  • “EFT tapping is so much more powerful and effective than previous cognitive behavioral therapy.”
  • “Tapping puts you into an alpha brainwave state, which is the state we have to go through to fall asleep.”
  • “EFT helps you move beyond just having insight, it helps you actually release the attachment to the behavior.”


00:00Introduction and Allison’s Journey into EFT Tapping

02:39The Power and Effectiveness of EFT Tapping

08:53The Science Behind EFT Tapping and Brainwave States

14:05Clearing Blocks and Releasing Negative Emotions

26:13Using EFT Tapping as a Self-Help Tool and Seeking a Practitioner

A Great Resource If You Are Stuck And Struggling With Clearing Blocks

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EFT For Clearing Blocks With Allison Jayne Ewing

EFT For Clearing Blocks



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