How do we leverage and exponentialize our life in a big way? Well first is to recognize all of your blessings and god given talents. And once you’ve done that you are in a place to level up and do and be all you can.
Why settle for mediocre when you could do more, be more, become more. That’s the philosophy actor Katie Chonacas brings with her to everything she puts her heart and mind to.

I had an incredible conversation full of laughter, love and insights on the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast Episode #175.
Katie Chonacas is an on screen actor with more than two decades of experience and she is an off screen voice over actor with many credits to her name, but that’s not all. Katie is an author and poet and the host of the She’s All Over The Place Podcast.
To checkout Katie’s Instagram go here.
It was such a delight having this time with her and learning all about the passion and zest she brings to all her projects and collaborations and we even had Katie give us a lesson in NFT’s, a first conversation about NFT on the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast.

To listen in to the conversation click here –
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