Embracing Emotions can be complicated and complex. How do we learn to embrace the hard stuff? It’s ultimately how we heal. Leslie Lindsey Davis author of You Can’t Eat Love joins me on the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast and shares her journey of self-healing and the importance of befriending yourself and embracing your emotions. She discusses the power of writing and having conversations with yourself as a way to process and validate your feelings. Leslie also emphasizes the significance of celebrating wins and ignoring negativity, as well as the importance of trusting your emotions. She concludes with a powerful message that everyone is enough and encourages others to believe in themselves.

Listen in below to Episode #253 Embracing Emotions With Leslie Lindsey Davis on the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast –
Takeaways On Embracing Emotions
- Befriend yourself and embrace your emotions to become your true self.
- Writing and having conversations with yourself can help you process and validate your feelings.
- Celebrate your wins and ignore negativity to shift your focus and improve your mental and emotional well-being.
- Trust your emotions and believe that you are enough.

00:00 Introduction and Welcome
01:05 Leslie’s Backstory and Journey to Self-Healing
06:17 The Power of Writing and Having Conversations with Yourself
07:14 The Three-Page Writing Practice
09:26 The Indescribable Feeling of Self-Love
11:05 Listening and Validating Others’ Emotions
12:20 The Book: You Can’t Eat Love
20:33 Believing You Are Enough
26:14 Celebrating Wins and Ignoring Negativity
29:37 Trusting Your Emotions
34:39 Closing Message: You Are Enough
If You Are Struggling With Embracing Your Emotions
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